Saturday, October 07, 2006

How does THURSDAY sound??? Or earlier!

I am so thankful that this cooperative little bundle has listened to his mommy again! I FERVENTLY asked him to stay put this week so that week could get through the memorial service for our good friend Matt. It was indeed an amazing service and I am so thankful to have been there for it...and more importantly that Andy was able to play guitar for worship.

That same afternoon we had an ultrasound to check on the size of the baby....(we've been struggling with the whole juxtaposition of joy/ this week...this was just another example of that). So as for the size of the baby... he is already PLENTY big!
I told myself if he was bigger than 7 pounds I would go through with an induction appointment scheduled for next Thursday. WELL....
So...unless he decides to come sooner...
We'll get the ball rolling on Thursday, Oct. 12th!


Andy White said...

Thursday sounds good. I'm available! :)

he's a good cooperation boy.

Dawn said...

He has proved to be...

a)very obedient
b)the recipient of many answered prayers

He's set a high standard for himself!

Hooray for Thursday! (or any earlier day...)

Anonymous said...

You know... this means that you'll actually have to pick a name now :-) and Abby was telling me something about calling him "unicorn boy" the other day :-)