While we have unofficially been saying that "Hi" is Aaron's first word...the only one he would regularly mimic since he was about 6 months. But NOW it's official his first spontanuos-self-chosen word...MA ! MA! Yep! It happened this morning, when I was leaving him with Andy while off to work my first day of summer school (incidentally this is the first day I have ever LEFT him for work...all last year he came with me...)So...he picks today to make it official. Technically I think it happened yesterday, but it was 5 in the morning...I was dead tired and he was REALLY wanting to play so he tapped my face(my eyes were barely even open at that point) over and over and finally said MA! He was satisfied because it woke me up and he decided to stop saying it...But today he has said it over and over, and YES, my heart melts more and more each time!
By the way, Andy took this awesome photo yesterday evening at the Mission Rose Garden! He's good! And that boy is CUTE!!!!!!!