Monday, September 25, 2006

Roll over! Sit! Head down! Good boy...okay he's not a dog...but he is a GOOD BOY!!!

Went to the doctor today and he did an ultrasound to determine that Baby Boy White (by the way Abby stopped calling him Magical Boy Pony White....and now calls him Daddy Boy...a real name is going to be an adjustment for her) is HEAD DOWN!!! He is no longer breech. What an answer to prayer! As an added bonus I am getting kicked in the ribs while I type this...he must know I'm talking about him. I must say the kicks are far better than the Zidane-style head-butts to the rib cage. Now just pray that his little noggin doesn't put too much pressure on my unstable pelvis!
For those of you rooting for an earlier arrival (it's not just me right? RIGHT?)...things don't appear at this point to be going that way...but hey last week this boy was breech and now he's a lot can happen in a week...I'll keep you posted!

And now for a joke for my husband...he has been calling our boy "Ronaldino" whenever he here's another comparison of last week to this week!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I suppose today could have been worse...

Well, this morning started off great with a really fun music class (that is once my daughter got over her tears from being disappointed that she couldn't sit in my lap...doesn't she realize I have NO LAP!!!) I got sneaky and decided to drop in early for my OB appointment with a new doctor (my plan involves meeting all the doctors who could be on duty in the hospital when I deliver). Dr. Barnes was able to fit me in even though my appointment wasn't supposed to be until later...She was great...I told her about some weird pain I have been having in my legs...inner thighs down to the ankles...not your typical muscle pain. She said, "I don't like the way that sounds..." and "scheduled" me for an ultra sound with the vascular radiologist to look for clots.

The radiologist was able to fit me in at 1:30 this afternoon. That gave me enough time to rush back with a lunch for Abby at preschool...where she would spend a spontaneously long day. Everyone tells me she did great. After that I had a bit of time to grab lunch and head to the Biltmore wall for a little "get with God" time. Dawn swore me off of doing any internet research to self-diagnose and worry...solace with God was a much better plan.
Back at the Sansum Clinic (I should point out that it was clearly one of those "God Things" that my appointment was at this Main Clinic in the first place...the other OB office is a block away...but worlds away in terms of phone calls and fighting the system that would have had to take place if I was being seen there...instead the nurse walked five doors down...chatted with the radiologist and had an impromptu appointment in seconds!!!) The radiologist was VERY thorough (she spent about 3-5 minutes behind each knee...the main one being..."You will tell me if you see something suspicious right????" She assured me that she would....BUT fortunately she didn't have to...I AM CLOT free...and blood is flowing like a charm! Praise God from whom all blessings flow...are you singing with me???


Baby Boy White is stubbornly in breech position...he should be heading downward by now...Dr. Barnes did a quick ultra sound to confirm what I could have already told her... I have been saying this boy thinks he will be exiting via my rib cage!!! This could still pray that he will!!! If he doesn't I'll for sure opt for a C-Section...Lord knows my pelvis doesn't need any more trauma!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Be Careful What You Ask!!!

So we've been reviewing with Abby that some of the people we know have different names when we're at school. For example we happen to be close friends with the director Jeannine, who is also known as Nani...Well Abby has thus far done a great job with greeting her at school saying,"Good Morning, Mrs. Morgan" She also knows that at school Mommy & Daddy are Mr. & Mrs. White. Today when we were visiting with the teachers I asked her what my "at school" name is...she said Mrs. White. I then asked her what she called me...she said "MOMMY!" with great enthusiasm. I should have quit while I was ahead...but then I asked her, "What does Daddy call me?" She confidently answered, "Issues!" Everyone laughed! I have not laughed that hard in months! But maybe I should be considering marriage counseling! Just kidding...I KNOW the truth! I AM issues!

Do they make a souvenir license plate with that name?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Abby's "FIRST"day at Preschool

What a fun day! Abby started preschool today. She is VERY familiar with the environment having spent so much time "dropping in" last year while I played music for chapel...but now it is HER school! She was very excited and bounded right into the room. She tolerated me making her take pictures with her teachers....who by the way are FABULOUS!

Before my elementary teaching days I used to be an assitant to Cathy...who is phenomenal with these kids!

I also got to know Zoe last year during Abby's drop in days, and she is a natural with this age group as well. I really like her!

As an added of the assitant teachers in the preschool is KJ! Our babysitter from the last two years! Abby was very excited to see her this morning.
Once I was finished torturing my child with photos, she got straight to the business of playing...First stop was to find the "beautiful dress" in the dress-up corner. I have a feeling this will be her first stop DAILY...does this surprise anyone? Yeah me either!

So I have to brag for one moment (because you have to take these when you can get them...) During her first social playing moment I was snapping pictures, and I actually heard her say, "Sure! You can have you go!" This picture proves it...and if you still don't believe me you can ask Miss Zoe. She and I were both feeling proud for Abby's first act of sharing in preschool!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

First "Official" Haircut

Big spenders that we are...we took her to a high class salon...known as "Le Samuel Fantastique" Abby was super excited to participate in this highly fashion oriented endeavor...though I must say the motivation was in part functional, as her hair was getting dangerously close to the "popo" (our word for bottom). Even Abby saw the urgency of this matter and inquired rather seriously of her stylist whether her hair was now short enough so it wouldn't touch the "popo"...too funny! Anyway we went conservative because daddy and I both love the long hair...and the best part according to Abby was of course the LOLLIPOP...which she kept insisting I take a lick of (which of course I cannot do...see previous entry below).
Enjoy the pictures!