Big spenders that we are...we took her to a high class salon...known as "Le Samuel Fantastique" Abby was super excited to participate in this highly fashion oriented endeavor...though I must say the motivation was in part functional, as her hair was getting dangerously close to the "popo" (our word for bottom). Even Abby saw the urgency of this matter and inquired rather seriously of her stylist whether her hair was now short enough so it wouldn't touch the "popo"...too funny! Anyway we went conservative because daddy and I both love the long hair...and the best part according to Abby was of course the LOLLIPOP...which she kept insisting I take a lick of (which of course I cannot do...see previous entry below).
Enjoy the pictures!

How fun! You know she's gonna start requesting going to the salon....
nope...next time we're going to Auntie Dawn's Salon!
Let's face it....we all love to be pampered!!!! Love, Gramma Rachel
I think the beauty parlor should put Abby's picture in the window. She is so beautiful, they could shave her head and she'd still be gorgeous. Love Grandma Shudu
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