Went to the doctor today and he did an ultrasound to determine that Baby Boy White (by the way Abby stopped calling him Magical Boy Pony White....and now calls him Daddy Boy...a real name is going to be an adjustment for her) is HEAD DOWN!!! He is no longer breech. What an answer to prayer! As an added bonus I am getting kicked in the ribs while I type this...he must know I'm talking about him. I must say the kicks are far better than the Zidane-style head-butts to the rib cage. Now just pray that his little noggin doesn't put too much pressure on my unstable pelvis!
For those of you rooting for an earlier arrival (it's not just me right? RIGHT?)...things don't appear at this point to be going that way...but hey last week this boy was breech and now he's not...so a lot can happen in a week...I'll keep you posted!
And now for a joke for my husband...he has been calling our boy "Ronaldino" whenever he kicks...so here's another comparison of last week to this week!

this is probably one of the best blog posts i've ever seen!
atta boy!! keep headin' south buddy. Love, daddy
I think the name 'Ronaldino' is very becoming. But I'm wrestling between that and 'Magical Boy Pony White'. Good luck.
He is just trying to make it to the wedding! if he stays in he can come to the whole thing :) Good boy! already thinking about community!
I'm so glad he's cooperating! I keep checking your blogs to see if he's arrived yet or not! :)
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