Abby started swim lessons with Judy Cooper today. Check out those "kickers"! I remember when my little friend Elie first started, and we all filed in to watch. Wasn't that just a couple months ago??? Today it was just Abby and I, but I made for a good cheering section! She was more brave than I could even believe! For a girl who doesn't like to get messy, she LOVES to get wet...and has no problem dunking her full head under water! Her swim instructor was soooo impressed with our little fish girl! I have to say, I was a proud mommy!

In other news..Abby was in a "home-town-fourth-of-july-parade this weekend! Her gymnastics class won first place in the parade! Abby was adorned in her American flag headband, blue leotard, and red hula skirt as she performed her donkey kicks for the masses...okay so it was only a couple hundred or so people lining the streets of Carpinteria...but whose counting. Check out a video of the PARADE here!

Happy Fourth Everyone!
gr8 video!
Yeah, that video is too cute. I loved the hula skirt and star glasses! She's growing up so fast!
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