She slept through the night immediately! Yes, I know that I was spoiled. Most babies don’t sleep from 10:00-7:30!!! But Abby was and continues to be a stellar sleeper! Now mind you I realize that this phase of life is temporary and that “this too shall pass” But I’d advise you to steer clear of reminding me of such things in person these days! That sounds harsh...what I am trying to say is that I have run out of the fumes I was running on. My second child (adorable though he may be!!!!) has decided that he’d like to be awake multiple times a night....and some times for an extra special bonus he’ll stay awake for an hour or so around 3:00 a.m....for the record he does have some pretty bad gas...but DAYS of gas! It is time for me to cash in on my husband’s promised spa day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and by the way this post is subject to change by the end of the day...you never know what Abby's gonna do next...little miss 3.5 going on 13!
Here's a memory of a sleeping Aaron!