Here's Abby's preschool portrait...pretty cute if you ask me.
I have been getting hints that some have thought I have lagged in the area of blog updates...WELL YES!!! As I type I am holding sweet Aaron in one arm, while I type one handed...as you can guess this is not the easiest endeavor. We are managing to survive through the fog of VERY LITTLE sleep...well for me at least...Aaron manages to sleep through most of the day still...well I hope you will all forgive my absence from the blog world...

nice one handed typing! better than one legged walking i suppose. to be honest, i think our kids are ginormously cute.
Ok no fair breaking into your old school photos and trying to pass them of as Abby. That little girl is a cutie-pie and boy oh boy is the little Aaron cute or what?
at the risk of turning this into a chat room I did not know how to spell ginormously until now et shure wood bee nyce two no how too speel.
Hey Danny, no matter how you spell it Abby is so Adorable. She always looks like she is so excited to be in the world, every picture gives us a beautiful look at the world through her eyes. And Angela, the picture with you and Aaron looks like the epitomy of motherhood. Aaron is getting so big so fast, but he is also so tiny in you arms. Soooooooooooooo
Swwwweeeeeeeeet. Love Grandma Shudu
Angela, as I look at the picture of Abby, it sure does take me back to you. Spitting image (where the heck did that expression come from?) It also reminds me of the song "Tea for Two" Tea for two and two for tea, just me for you and you for me......the reason is because the line in the song that say 'a boy for you and a girl for me' Abby looks like you and Aaron looks like Andy. Love you Grandma Shudu
Angela, you definitely have your hands full, but full of love and it's amazing that you find any time to update. Love you Mom
Abby, I emailed a couple of pictures from us to the Owner Carol-Anne of the Alpaca farm. She emailed me back and thanked me for the pictures. I know she enjoyed having us there. Love you all, Grandma Shudu
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