What a fun day to be a mom! Abby was on cloud nine all day! She loves to dress up...so a whole day dedicated to it is like bliss for her...she would be happy if there were a dress up hour every day...kind of like the siesta tradition of Spain...I digress. This morning Abby's school had "Fall Festival" with an Ocean theme...her class were the Rainbow Fish. They paraded around the courtyard. What I really should have been taking pictures of were the hoards of parents crowding around with every form of camera related technology trying to capture the moment...too funny us ridiculously proud parents!
After that it was time to go to Daddy's school. Abby changed into her Tinker Bell Costume which my friend Tina sent her (extremely thoughtful of her...knowing I would have NO time to shop for a costume this year!!! Before we left her school she wanted to show EVERYONE her new costume...she was BEAMING!!!

A few years ago I made Andy a costume...let's just say it's a lot of yellow for one man...he is the perfect "Man-with-the-yellow-hat" (by the way I am still mad that they gave him the name "Ted" in the movie...but don't get me started) So what better costume for Aaron than to be CURIOUS GEORGE! My friend Sarah gave us some cute little brown jamies for Aaron...I slipped on the shirt from one of Abby's stuffed Curious George monkeys, sewed some ears onto the hat...and VOILA the cutest monkey you've ever seen! At Andy's school they had an assembly and he held Aaron up in front of the school like a proud father (anyone seen Lion King...picture pride rock...Simba...it was adorable!)

p.s. sorry tosay but this was not one of my better photo days...lack of sleep has damaged my attention to detail!
I love the costumes man that can not be any cuter.
Oh My goodness... too much cuteness ;-)
He was the perfect little monkey! Thankfully not as mischievous as George! Way to go Mom!
How can you get more adorable kids anywhere, they are so sweet and adorable. I guess the only way this family can get any cuter kids is to just make more, not that they'd be cuter, just more of cute. Love Grandma Shudu
Too cute, Big Daddy, with the big yellow hat, and a brown bundle of joy. What a darling Curious George and Abby is once again her usual photogenic self. Love Tita
mommy dressed up as a sleep deprived mother of two!!! normally I get into it...but I couldn't get it together...
Once again, jealousy abounds. It was 30 degrees here. Halloween was good, but I'd love to walk around and not have to freeze our boodies off.
slow down gramma shudu! we're working to maintain the current cuteness! :) great update Ange. thanks for all your costume work!
I can hardly wait until we are able to see all my beautiful grandchildren together. The pictures will be incredible. Thank goodness for digital, you never run out of film. It's also wonderful because with the great age of computers, we are able to share them back and forth. Even as far away as Pennsylvania. Love and kisses, Grandma Shudu (Abby it looks like you named me and it's music to my ears)
Mary Beth- In CO. It's almost ALWAYS freezing on Halloween- well, of the 6 years we've been here anyway. You lucked out in Pennsylvania!!
Angela, no one has commented sufficiently enough on the costumes! I'm so impressed with the yellow hat get up but even more so with the curious george outfit! A new mom who sews on top of everything else? Amazing!!
Love the costumes, and love the Monkey suit. Love Papa James
huhhuuummm today is 11-21-06 Do you know where your blogger is Love Uncle Danny
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