I am sure you have been missing my blog updates...terribly!!! I have been a little busy lately...I guess giving birth to an 8lb 11oz baby will earn you a "get out of jail free" card. My friend Brad had a great post about making excuses for not blogging. The truth is I have too much to say...
At first I wanted to tell you all the gory details of labor...but I thought the better of it...there is such a thing as TOO much information. I do want to say how deeply grateful I am for all the support I received throughout the labor process. I was truly in God's hands the whole time and I felt it! It was an event covered in prayer!!!
Many things were the same as last time...I was induced so there was no rush to the hospital in the middle of the night..there was a LOT of "waiting" for those in the "waiting room"...and Team Andy and Dawn were stellar as usual with keeping me calm and relaxed...as was the epidural administered by Dr. John Keating...who as many of you know has "ministered" his care for me on several occasions. That man will have a MANSION in heaven! The care I received from the nurses of Labor & Delivery was AMAZING...although ask Dawn to tell you about the "break nurse" sometime...PERFUME should be outlawed in L&D...
Here is what was REMARKABLY different..for starters I walked into the hospital without my husband having to help me take each and every step...last time I was in so much pain from my "pelvic" injury that I could not MOVE without assistance...then there is the fact that the labor process was only 17 plus hours as opposed to 31 hours....The other major encouragement was being able to tolerate real contractions for more than 35 minutes without begging for an epidural...this time I lasted 2 hours...and I only did so to prove to myself that it WAS NOT in my head last time around...my injury had been so severe I simply could not tolerate the pain because there was never a break from it...sidenote...I think my husband thought I was a bit bonkers for WANTING to experience pain this time around...I am glad I did.
By far the best difference was that this time I was able to hold Aaron immediately after he was born...with Abby there were breathing problems so the NICU nurses had her right away...I really only had about 10 minutes with her when she was born...then we weren't reunited for several hours...with Aaron I got to hold him...and kiss him and introduce him to family all in the delivery room. What a peaceful difference from last time. And the love in my heart is full~and getting more full by the minute!
ahhhh.... he's a beautiful boy :-)
Well as you can tell I am back to being anonymous, since I so nicely goofed and deleted my blog, but anyway, here goes, I have to agree, why would anyone want to experience the natural pain of natural childbirth, with all the wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, things they can do for you now, but if you're glad, I'm glad. Isn't it wonderful how children can look so much the same and yet so absolutely different. Aaron is a beautiful little boy. Abby is a wonderful big sister. I am glad you went through the labor and delivery just fine. I was thrilled to be able to go into the delivery room and see him right after he was born. You sure didn't look like someone who had just gone through the ordeal. Shows what you're made of. Love and Kisses to all, Mom
You know, I noticed that you posted the original post at 8:37. It sure is a funny thing but some numbers just follow us around. I was born at 9:37, your sister was born at 11:37, and every time I turn around it is 6:37, 8:37, or I stick something in the microwave at 12:37. Myself and 37 are old friends. PS I love the excuses for not posting from brad. Sounds like home, also sounds a little like my ADD. Love and kisses Mom
Hey, I was just reading in Exodus that Amram (Aaron and Moses'father) lived 137 years. In view of my previous comment. Fun with numbers. Love Mom
angela is almost 37!
HOW DARE YOU!!!! I am ONLY 35!!!!! Beware the wrath of the postpartum woman!!!!!!From my own husband even!
oops. party foul...sorry. only 37 thing i could think of.
I really wish that my body could be there with my spirit. Anyone that could still beleive that we don't have a spirit is already DEAD!! My spirit found it's way to the hospital I was born at throuhout the day that Aaron was born. When I got the 3:00 am phone call I could feel Aaron's Spirit with me just as I did in my dream before I was told of his arrival in my BABY sisters whom. He is not without quantity of love surronding him.
On a exounding side note I would like to thank you ANDY for being such a loving husband to my sister, and DAWN for being such good freind to my sister. Without you two special people in my little sisters life I am SURE the joy would not be as great. You are both a true blessing. And Dawn I don't think I thanked you for being there for her during the birth of Abigail Thank you. So I say it now ThAnK YoU ThAnK YoU ThAnK YoU ThAnK YoU ThAnK YoU.
you're welcome. :)
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