Sunday, April 16, 2006


Originally uploaded by ange7.
Newsflash! My child is not perfect. I know this comes as a shock to many of you. You better sit down for this: A few weeks ago Andy went to Vegas for the weekend to celebrate a bachelor party with his friends. I suppose under normal circumstances I would have been fine with this scenario...BUT things were far from normal. Being pregnant causes me to be exhausted, and I was dealing with constant needless to say my patience level was at an all time low. Couple that with the fact that Abby was beginning her first (of many to come I am sure) phase of rebellion. Don't let anyone tell you about terrible two's...It is the terrible "almost three's" that get you! The first night Andy was gone it took me 45 minutes to negotiate Abby to going to sleep...this is normally a 10 minute process. I went straight to bed!

Later that weekend was her first willful act of rebellion. First I will own up to all the things I did wrong before...I kept her out way too late at a birthday party...I tried to put her to bed after she'd already fallen asleep in the car...and she had eaten a highly unsatisfying lunch. ALL that said...I put her down to rest, and as usual she was chattering away up there. Then it was quiet. Ahh she's asleep...what a good girl! After about a 30 minutes I heard a few little tinkering noises so I went up stairs to check on her...and THIS is what I discovered. (Remember the videos take a while to load)

Major props to my friend Tad Wagner for the great song at the beginning of the video "You are a Tiger"


Andy White said...

great video...well, um, great meaning "entertaining" great...not great meaning "hope that keeps happening" great. i'm sorry that i left for a couple days. i sure am glad we're not in rebellion phase right now! :)

Anonymous said...

matt and i were in hysterics! i enjoyed her honesty through the entire situation, though!

Anonymous said...

that was amazing! I hear family life is much about forgiveness - thanks for modeling and showing that to us :)

and may I add a "good job Abby" - if you going to go for it...GO for it!

Grahama said...

That was AWESOME! You have a talented girl there! It's hard to be mad when they're so cute ain't it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Angela, you said that was your complete profile, I haven't seen the picture yet, I know things have changed in your "profile" Love Mom