Wednesday, April 19, 2006

a PROUD plug

we have a hope
Originally uploaded by ange7.
That is the opposite of a shamless plug...that's because I am SOOO excited about this new CD for many reasons. We feel a bit like we have a "new arrival" in the house. No, not that kind (there's several more months to go on that one)! Andy has co-produced, engineered and created this CD through months and months, hours and hours of labor.

So what is it? It is a compilation of original worship music and some re-worked hymns by the musicians of Santa Barbara Community Church where Andy and I attend.

So why am I plugging it? I am excited about the fact that this is a benfit CD for International Justice Mission. My good friend SCOTT ANDERSON did the amazing album artwork. Not to mention that my talented husband helped bring it to life...and if that's not reason enough....I have two of my songs on the CD! You can check out those songs on MYSPACE

So where can you get one? They are being sold through our church for a requested minimun donation of $ why not buy two and give one to a friend? Email me if you are really interested. Or you can go to ANDY'S BLOG for more details


Anonymous said...

We would love to buy two! How do we get our grubby little hands on 'em????

Andy White said...

try to order from my blog or my myspace.

h west said...

Will you hurry up and blog again. This is getting boring.