My wonderful husband wins the prize today. He let me "sleep in" both Saturday and Sunday and last night he took Aaron until 5:00. The amazing thing is that Aaron went nearly 8 hours without eating! This proves to me that he is NOT hungry in the middle of the night...just wants some cuddles! Thankfully daddy was willing to provide! I feel like a new person...I slept more last night then I can remember in a long time! Andy may on the other hand be tired beyond belief today...but I am OH SO thankful!
What a guy!
i am the winner! yes, i was super tired yesterday so i took the night off last night and hit the couch han solo. ange is draggin' today. sorry sweetie!
eric let me sleep through the night last night -- first time in over a year!!! :) AAHHH!!! I feel like a new woman. Brady is up multiple times a night EVERY night right now. I cannot figure it out. We've let him cry it out, feed him, not feed him, rock him....he still will not sleep. He doesn't nap either . He just is too social and it's killing me. Hang in there and call me when you do the spa day!
Ok now it's my turn, after figuring it out with Cristina being the first, this is what I did and it seemed to work. Twice a day you all got rubdowns. A nice warm wash cloth in a nice warm room and then (I know you don't like that brand) but Johnson and Johnson baby lotion, and full rub down, head, neck, tummy, thighs, calves, feet, toes, between toes, back of neck, shoulders, back, hips, back of thighs, back of calves, ankles and soles of the feet. Nice warm jammies (hit them with a blow dryer) feed cuddle and wonderful delicious sleep *wish I could have had the same treatment. lullaby and there you go. That's my remedy. Love Mom
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