Wednesday, August 23, 2006

It's Official...I have Gestational Diabetes!


WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? I get to meet with an endocrinologist (easy for you to say):




ALL IN means once again that I am NOT a normal pregnant woman...It was fun while it lasted! The good news is that I only have about 8 weeks to deal with all of this! We would still appreiciate your prayers!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

It's what's for breakfast! [Glucose Tolerance Test Part 2]

No it's not an illegal is pure sugar!!!!!! 100 grams of dextrose to be exact. First off, you can't eat ANYTHING all night and for three hours during the test (a near miracle in and of itself for a pregnant woman!) Then they draw your blood (for one of 4 times!) After a lovely prick in the arm... breakfast this morning in liquid form was like drinking 4 seven-ups in one 6 oz. bottle. SO GROSS!!! Three hours of trying to control the urge to rid my body of that pure sugar...meanwhile the little boy inside me has decided to try to get out too...RIGHT OUT THE BELLY!!! He was NOT liking the menu this morning...and I don't blame him one bit! NOT my idea of a fun morning. I don't know the results yet...but I don't think I passed...I'll keep you posted.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

When Girls Play with Cars...

So I was feeling proud that my daughter loves to play with her collection of cars from the recent Pixar movie, Cars. Well, I definitely realized there is nothing "tom-boy" about my girl.(I should say I have supected this for some time now considering the I MUST WEAR A DRESS OR SKIRT DAILY...and ABSOLUTELY NO PANTS!!!) Once in a while she sends the zooming across the floors. Today however, instead of "vroom, vroom...crash!" this is what we heard..."It's okay cars, it's time for a little rest. Here you go, I'll sing you a song...go to sleep...zzz zzz etc." They're all still happily resting underneath their pink blanket!

Friday, August 04, 2006

God is So Good

I found this old tape the other day and since my husband runs a recording studio he was able to convert it from "Old School" Cassette to mp3 format...then I got carried away and made it into a video. Enjoy!

on a side note...has anyone noticed that I changed the name of my blog to "dot-dot-dot" That is because I have an the ellipsis... I did some style that is...and found that I am abusing them and using them improperly. I don't even make them's supposed to be dot-space-dot-space-dot. The truth is I tend to use them instead of just putting a period, a space, and then a capital, which would technically be less work...oh well...I'll just keep on dot-dot-dotting to my heart's content...if you're interested here's the scoop on the ellipsis. . .

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Oh my aching back!

Oh Man! Back pain stinks! I woke up in the middle of the night to go pee (for one of my seven joke!) as I stepped onto the ground sharp shooting pains went down my left leg...I stood there for a solid minute deciding whether to take another step. Once I finally took another the funny part is what do you do once you reach the toilet...that is a LONG way down...will I ever get back up if I get down there?
So this morning I finally asked Andy to help me...he makes a really good "walker" minus the tennis balls on the ends of his feet of course. So the story of my day today will be ice and rest...since I can't take any of the lovely products available to help the pain...

Sorry... NOT for you prego!

Oh...if only I could alleviate the pain this way!