Oh Man! Back pain stinks! I woke up in the middle of the night to go pee (for one of my seven trips...no joke!) as I stepped onto the ground sharp shooting pains went down my left leg...I stood there for a solid minute deciding whether to take another step. Once I finally took another step...OUCH...so the funny part is what do you do once you reach the toilet...that is a LONG way down...will I ever get back up if I get down there?
So this morning I finally asked Andy to help me...he makes a really good "walker" minus the tennis balls on the ends of his feet of course. So the story of my day today will be ice and rest...since I can't take any of the lovely products available to help the pain...
Sorry... NOT for you prego!

Oh...if only I could alleviate the pain this way!

my new name is "Walker"...
Hang in there Angela!
But at least you have the time to create amusing blogs :-) And watch lots of Dora and Little Einsteins with your daughter ;-)Pat, Pat, Pat, Crescendo!
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