Wednesday, August 16, 2006

It's what's for breakfast! [Glucose Tolerance Test Part 2]

No it's not an illegal is pure sugar!!!!!! 100 grams of dextrose to be exact. First off, you can't eat ANYTHING all night and for three hours during the test (a near miracle in and of itself for a pregnant woman!) Then they draw your blood (for one of 4 times!) After a lovely prick in the arm... breakfast this morning in liquid form was like drinking 4 seven-ups in one 6 oz. bottle. SO GROSS!!! Three hours of trying to control the urge to rid my body of that pure sugar...meanwhile the little boy inside me has decided to try to get out too...RIGHT OUT THE BELLY!!! He was NOT liking the menu this morning...and I don't blame him one bit! NOT my idea of a fun morning. I don't know the results yet...but I don't think I passed...I'll keep you posted.


Dawn said...

The International Ingredient Corporation (yes, that is real) says that "Dextrose is commonly used as a sweetener, a source of rapidly absorbed energy and a carrier in water soluble medications. Dextrose is approximately 70% as sweet as sucrose. Dextrose is suitable for animal feed, pet food and industrial applications."
Hmmmm... That's what they give to pregnant ladies? No wonder he was acting crazy!

Andy White said...

what happened to a hot cup of coffee and a handshake?

Angela White said...

Oh there was plenty of in my own!

Anonymous said...

Yuk, I remember the test. The liquid is so gaggingly sweet it makes you shudder. I'll pray that you're fine and that it's just a very very temporary thing. I love you Angela. PS. I don't blame the little boy either. The sugar probably had him doing calesthentics (not sure that's how you spell it, SOME spelling champ I am) Love Mom

Andy White said...

cute kid at the top of your blog! can't wait to meet Ronaldino!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading your blog and staying caught up on your life. Congratulations on the expected baby boy. Glad everything is going well. Abby is a sweet little girl. Aren't girls fun?
Love you - Michelle

Anonymous said...

By the way, I always wondered why they say that Diabetics have larger babies. Now I know the cycle and why it happens. Thanks for the lesson. Mom

Anonymous said...

I am behind the times and just catching up. When I woke up yesterday, I was watching Dr.Manny on Fox News and he was mentioning that Gestinal Diabates is on the rise.Wild, it was the only news report I watched that day. I will keep you in my prayers that all will be well with you and your little one. Love, Sis