What a fun day! Abby started preschool today. She is VERY familiar with the environment having spent so much time "dropping in" last year while I played music for chapel...but now it is HER school! She was very excited and bounded right into the room. She tolerated me making her take pictures with her teachers....who by the way are FABULOUS!
Before my elementary teaching days I used to be an assitant to Cathy...who is phenomenal with these kids!

I also got to know Zoe last year during Abby's drop in days, and she is a natural with this age group as well. I really like her!

As an added bonus...one of the assitant teachers in the preschool is KJ! Our babysitter from the last two years! Abby was very excited to see her this morning.

Once I was finished torturing my child with photos, she got straight to the business of playing...First stop was to find the "beautiful dress" in the dress-up corner. I have a feeling this will be her first stop DAILY...does this surprise anyone? Yeah me either!

So I have to brag for one moment (because you have to take these when you can get them...) During her first social playing moment I was snapping pictures, and I actually heard her say, "Sure! You can have some...here you go!" This picture proves it...and if you still don't believe me you can ask Miss Zoe. She and I were both feeling proud for Abby's first act of sharing in preschool!